Small Garden Trees for Mothers Day

Small Garden Trees – Azaleas, Rhododendrons and Hebes

Hedgehogs Nursery has stocked up with beautiful rhododendrons.  Examples, like the wine and roses, Madame masson, along with a startling electric pink rhododendron Delta.  Azaleas, Hebes, Pieris, Rhododendrons, Magnolias, Meldred weeping and Royal Burgundy all let us know that Spring and summer is coming.

Rhododendron Wine and Roses, a new introduction with red / burgundy under leaf colour.  The only rhododendron to have a true pink bloom.  Hedgehogs Nursery stock a number of special rhododendrons like the Marcel Menard (purple) including a beautiful cream yellow rhododendron such as the Horizon Monarch.

The Garden Regulars

A very new special Pieris Passion is in full bloom with outstanding red/white flowers which cannot be left out of any garden.  Pieris Passion is here in limited numbers so don’t delay!  Sitting beside our Pieris Passion plants are our new Azaleas, such as the Night Sky, Melina, Shamrock and many more additions. All of them fully budded and ready to show you what they can do.

The blueberry bushes are out, ready to be planted in your gardens.  The new varieties this season include the Dixi, North country and the North Sky which compliment the regulars garden plants the Blue Gold, Jersey, Bonus, Northland.

Blueberries will always be providing you with the most delicious, nutritious, high vitamin content fruit berries that can be used for baking or just eaten off the bush which are sweet, juicy and 100% good for everyone!

Why not take a trip to Hedgehogs Nursery in Glenrothes, Southfield Industrial Estate to pick up a great plant or tree, not to mention great hedging plants for your garden or project.  Remember that special occasion gift is a great plant  – which can last a life-time!

Online shopping available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at our online store: