Bedding Plants are ready for planting in your garden. They have been home grown and are looking ready to brighten up your baskets, tubs, or around the garden. Selection of Cosmos, Bacopia (white) Lobelia Cambridge Blue, Begonias mixed, Non stop Begonias Mocca. This year we also produced Geranium Bullseye which sells for £5 per 24 plants, Million Bells that are outstanding for colour – cherry red and citric, Petunia multiflora Frenzy all mixed colours and of course the all favourite Dianthus Oscar Red.
Of course they are selling fast so do not be slow. The alyssum are out and ready to plant and what a fantastic aroma that will make your head spin.
Visit Hedgehogs Nursery Garden Supplies and Services
Crompton Road Southfield Industrial Estate
Glenrothes Fife KY6 2SF
Phone us on 01592 859 541
Competitive Prices / Great Quality