Vegetable Plants and Bedding Plants, available now while stock lasts!
At long last, Hedgehogs Nursery in Glenrothes, now has in stock, a wide range of bedding plants to spruce up your garden. Containers and hanging baskets to brighten up any edging and fences. New items such as Bacopa, Million Bells, Surfinia’s, Antirrhinums, Dianthus in mixed colours, Ivy Leaf Geraniums, Pansies, Violas, Fuchsias and more. We do suggest that due to our limited number of stock, that you visit our garden centre as soon as possible. As previous years have shown, we expect this summer stock to sell out quickly.
Vegetable Plants
New to our line up of plants at Hedgehogs Nursery and Garden Centre are vegetable plants for the home garden, allotments or just because you would like to have fresh vegetables for the table. Ready to plant now are Beetroot, Peas (mange tout), Spring Onions, courgettes, all female cucumbers, Pumpkin, Aubergine, Red Pepper.
Vegetable Plants available in 9cm pots and 6 pack boxes! A great way to get started for a summer of freshness!
Hedgehogs Nursery and Garden Centre
Crompton Road
Southfield Industrial Estate
KY6 2SF.
Open weekends (Sat / Sun) – 1000hrs – 1400hrs.
Phone 01592 772274
Face Masks are required throughout our nursery. Social Distancing Rules must be adhered to while in the nursery or customers will be asked to leave the premises.