Blueberries are the Perfect Super Fruit

Blueberries are the perfect super fruit for growing. ~They can be productive for many years.  The fruit they bear are full of vitamins and antioxidants, not to mention the freshness when eaten. You can lant blueberry bushes in containers, or straight into the garden ground. 

Blueberries are one of nature’s superfoods.  They have a high nutritional value, loads of essential minerals and health promoting polyphenols.  You will enjoy then as well as they are delicious.

Growing process

Blueberries are easy to grow and is not a complicated process.  They just require basic care to grow and produce.  They are self-fertile and do not need another plant to be productive. Two blueberry bushes are better when planted together.

Blueberries require an acidic soil pH level of about 4.0-5.2.  Adding compost such as Rhododendron / Azalea to the planting hole can help improve soils.  Aluminium and iron sulphate are no longer recommended for soil amendment as they poison plants with specific soil types.  Modification can also be done by adding organic mulch but be careful not to overdo.  Make sure that spacing of your plants allow the bush to mature without growing into one another.  Plants individually planted keep about 10 feet apart for best pollination if planting ore than one variety. 

Northern Highbush varieties such as Jersey, Blue Crop, Blue Gold, Duke, Elliot, Patriot are hardy and great for the UK climates.  By selecting the Northern Highbush varieties, you can be sure to have crops that are ideal for picking and eating. 


The first year of planting, blueberry plants do not need to be fertilised.  Fertilise in the spring over the next few years with a granular type of fertiliser by scraping away some of the soil from the top of the planting hole, place the fertiliser, spread around, and then cover with top dressi8ng of ericaceous soil and let it leach into the plant.  Never apply nitrate containing fertilisers such as ammonium or calcium as they are toxic to the plants.  Never, Never apply Tomato feed as that will also kill the plant.

Fertilise in the spring and never after 4th of July.  Try to avoid high nitrogen fertiliser that will give you high plant production, but low fruit production.

Care and maintenance

If the blueberry plants are growing in an environment they love, without competition from weeds, and dry soil, they will have a good productivity rate.  Canes older than seven years become less productive.  Prune the bushes each year to maintain best fruiting capabilities. 

Be careful not to be too harsh or prune hard back in the first year if the bushes have never been pruned.  Do not remove more than 2-3 of the oldest canes  (older than 7 years) Remove crossing branches as you want the plants base to be narrow and wide open to allow sunlight and air to enter.  Best to prune the bushes at the end of winter when they are still dormant.  Remove litter and other debris from the plant,

Do not prune for the first 2-3 years except remove dead or damaged canes.  When the bushes have matured for many years, remove the old central canes and cut the background pointing inwards toward the main cane.  Autumn pruning is not recommended as new shoots may die in the winter.

Good care and maintenance of your Blueberry Plants will encourage more fruit production of this great superfruit