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Premium Fresh Cut Scottish Nordman Fir Christmas Tree Trees Hedgehogs Nursery

Premium Fresh Cut Scottish Nordman Fir Christmas Tree The Nordman Fir Christmas tree is considered to be the king of the trees, as it’s needles will stay attached throughout the festive season. It is the most popular needle fast tree sold during the festive period.  It adds the perfect low natural scented atmosphere in your […]

Premium Fresh Cut Scottish Nordman Fir Christmas Tree Trees Hedgehogs Nursery Read More »

GARDEN COMPOST Suppliers John Innes Hedgehogs Nursery

Garden Compost traditional blends and multi-purpose compost for varieties of seeds, containers, tomato planters, vegetables, and roses, we’ve got it covered.  Take the gardening plunge and reap the rewards! Try out our Jacks Magic compost and our garden multi purpose compost with John Innes mixture, both with added fertiliser to give plants and trees the

GARDEN COMPOST Suppliers John Innes Hedgehogs Nursery Read More »

Premium fresh cut Nordman Fir Christmas tree

Premium Fresh Cut Scottish Nordman Fir Christmas Tree The Nordman Fir Christmas tree is considered to be the king of the trees, as it’s needles will stay attached throughout the festive season. It is the most popular needle fast tree sold during the festive period.  It adds the perfect low natural scented atmosphere in your

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BARKING GARDENS – Create a Stunning Masterpiece

Ornamental Bark does the trick for your garden! It takes a bit of hard work, but creating a great garden with ornamental bark from Hedgehogs Nursery Glenrothes makes all the difference in the world.  Here is another great masterpiece created by a satisfied customer – and a big thanks for letting us see the results!

BARKING GARDENS – Create a Stunning Masterpiece Read More »

Spring Flowering Plants

Spring Flowering Plants at Hedgehogs Nursery Glenrothes Inspiring Spring Flowering Plants are now available at Hedgehogs Nursery Glenrothes.   This is an ideal time to infuse that blast of colour into the gardens now that the winter months are over.  Spring plants is the sure-fire sign that the warmer weather is coming.  Spring has always been

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