RUBUS idaeus RASPBERRY Glen Ample
Outstanding variety. It is one of the best raspberry bushes with high yields of fruits. Glen Ample is a mid-season variety, spine free vigorous upright grower. The raspberries develop, produced on long laterals with sparse foliage for easy picking. Glen Ample fruit is large, bright red and first-class flavour. Crops of fruit appear about mid-July to August.
RUBUS idaeus RASPBERRY Autumn Bliss
One of the best and most reliable autumn fruiting varieties. Bliss a primocane variety is a heavy cropper producing from about late August until the first frosts with the highest yield of raspberries in September. Autumn Bliss raspberries are large, firm texture and excellent flavours and fruit will be produced in the first year. The fruit is mid-dark red in colour and has good keeping qualities. Bliss has short, erect spiney canes that are sturdy and need minimal support. Autumn Bliss has good disease resistance to root rot. Autumn Bliss is a British bred variety and highly recommended.
RUBUS idaeus RASPBERRY Glen Clova
Raspberry Glen Clova is a very popular and vigorous early variety. Clova produces high yields of small but firm raspnerroes that is very scrumptious and mouth-watering. When the Clova fruit appear that means it is the start of the raspberry picking season. Glen Clova freezes well and has excellent disease resistant qualities. Glen Clova crops in July.
The RASPBERRY Bonbonberry Yummy
Bonbonberry is a new raspberry variety that is so easy to grow and maintain. Naturally a dwarf variety, growing to just 50cm tall making it perfect for container planting. Bonbonberry produces a striking crop of large sweet juicy red berries from July. Imagine a crop of Raspberry Bonbonberry on your patio, balcony or terrace where picking fruit is easy. Bonbonberry canes are thorn free which makes for easy picking.
Yummy is a primocane variety which means it bears fruit on the same years growth which means you will have fruit the very first year!! Raspberry Bonbonberry requires a little pruning to remove old canes once they are older than 18 months. Plant in containers 1 plant per 20 litre pot to allow for growth and spread.
A RASPBERRY Little Sister
Another exciting and new compact Raspberry Plant fort anyone with limited space as Little Sister reaches to only 8cm and needs no support but finds happiness in a container. This self-fertile primocane will crop on new stems and the first year. It is one of the earliest Autumn Raspberry bushes. Fruit is dark red with good flavours and is thornless which makes picking fruit easy.