Growing Hostas

It hasta be Hostas

Hostas are one of the easiest plants to grow in any garden.  They are one of the best perennial foliage plants for many gardens. Plants that add sparkle for all those dark or semi light areas of landscape.  They are easy to grow, hardy, resilient and come in a wide range of leaf colours, sizes and shapes.

Hostas vary in colour from bright greens, stripes, greys, blues and make a bold statement in areas of shade.  Mixing well with other plants add a contrast of colour and shape that can change the landscape of the garden.  Hosta plants such as Wide Brim and El Nino offer not only the best colour variations for your garden, but big bold and beautiful leaves.

Planting Hostas

When planting Hostas in a shady bit of the garden, one has to remember that colour is a very important factor.  The yellow leaf or variegated hosta plant will add that needed colour for the spring and summer months.  The flower spikes of a hosta are unusual, but if it’s pruned back properly.  All the energy will go to the plant’s foliage and bring out more colour.

Choosing the right place to plant a Hosta will complement the surrounding landscape.  Ponds and water features can do with a bit of sprucing up with Hosta plants. While a bit variegated in a woodland setting green bold Hosta plants will thrive and look very good.

Remember at the end of summer, Hostas being herbaceous plants will die back and look as if they are dead.  At this time it is a good idea to tidy up the plant by  cutting it back to ground level.  When spring comes around, the Hosta leaves will push through the soil, upwards and out.

Hedgehogs Nursery Glenrothes has a new stock of these wonderful, yet mysterious Hosta Plants and now is the time to plant.  Come to the nursery and grab a great bargain on Hostas.  Have a look around the nursery for other stunning plants for the garden.

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